
Towed grader 400L - 300L

High-tech product.
Gooseneck chassis with bin, wide port between blades and chassis, ensuring the machine can contain a large amount of soil, at the same time rolling it perfectly and quickly. Hence large displacements in shorter time. This foregoing grader ensures reliability and precision.

General information:

This machine can be supplied in 3 solutions: 1. System controlled manually directly from the tractor.
2. Automatic control system using lasers under the hydraulic controls of the tractor.
3. System with completely separate auxiliary control, with tank and p.t.o. driven independent pump.


• foldable blade for overall size road
• No. 04 equalizer wheels
• No. 01 middle shaft for laser receiver
• Wheel widening
• Rear three lights
• Horizontal inclination of the blade

Technical specifications 300L

  • Power 80/120 HP
  • Blade width in working trim 3.00 m.
  • Wheel width in working trim 2.40 m.
  • Overall dimensions in road trim 2.40 m.
  • Height of the blade m. 0.90
  • Overall dimensions in dual wheels length 4.10 m.
  • Overall length equalizer wheels 4.60 m.
  • Overall height m. 3.10
  • Weight Kg. 1760
  • Wheels type 10.0 / 75-15.3 No. 04 / No. 06

Technical specifications 400L / 450L

  • Power 120/180 HP
  • Width blade trim work 4 / 4.50 m.
  • wheel width in trim work 3.30 m.
  • Overall dimensions in road trim 2.40 m.
  • Height of the blade 0.90 m.
  • Overall length 4.73 m.
  • Overall height m. 2.50 / 3.10
  • Weight Kg. 1900
  • Wheels type 10.0 / 75-15.3 No. 04 / No. 06

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Via Fossa dei Socialisti
8a/8b - 44011 ANITA (FE) ITALY

 Telephone: +39 0532-801203
 Fax: +39 0532-801122


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